Seventh Grade

Language Arts: 

SPCC School's Language Arts program integrates listening, reading, speaking, grammar, mechanics, and writing skills so that every student has strong communication skills in a technological age. Reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills are also emphasized. Students read a variety genre of books throughout the year from fiction to non-fiction, biography to autobiography, inspirational to motivational, as well as science-fiction and mystery. Throughout the year, students write a variety of essays to enhance their imagination and critical thinking skills.


7th grade students learn to understand and use rational numbers, including signed numbers. They are able to solve linear equations in one variable. They learn how to sketch and construct plane figures. Students demonstrate understanding of transformations. They are taught to use and apply properties of similarity. The class examines properties of geometric shapes in space and can describe and sketch solid figures, including their cross-sections. Students learn how to describe relationships between variables in tables, graphs, and formulas and can analyze the characteristics of linear relationships. By the end of the year, students understand how to analyze data using graphical displays, measures of central tendency, and measures of variation. All students are expected to complete a Math Fair project at the end of the school term.


Students will learn to locate and discuss particular passages in the New Testament that will assist in the students’ understanding of Jesus—as Risen Lord, Son of Man, Son of God, Teacher, Word Incarnate, Messiah, and Savior. 7th grade students also learn and experience a variety of prayer forms to assist them in their growing understanding of the importance of daily prayer. They can demonstrate an understanding of the sacraments of initiation, healing and commitment. Students are required to study, explain, and participate in the liturgies and readings of Lent and Holy Week.

7th graders study the history of Judeo-Christian beliefs and it's heritage, beginning with the covenant with Abraham through the first century of Christianity. They know and are able to define the following: Ascension, Beatitudes, Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Conversion, Disciples, Easter, Epistles, Evangelist, Gospel, Grace, Incarnation, inspiration, liturgy, Messiah, New Covenant, Original sin, Parable, Paschal Mystery, Pentecost, resurrection, Revelation, Scriptures, Sin, synagogue, Temple, Transfiguration, Transubstantiation, and Trinity. They continue to demonstrate stewardship by completing class or school sponsored service projects. Throughout the year, they will plan and participate in various types of worship and prayer services.


The middle school Life Science course is designed to give students the necessary skills for a smooth transition to high school biology standards. The purpose is to give all students an overview of common strands in life science including, diversity of living organisms, structure and function of cells, heredity, ecosystems, and biological evolution.

Other topics that will be covered include: diversity of living organisms, dichotomous key (6 Kingdoms), structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems, purpose of major human body organ systems, heredity, genes, and successive generations, ecosystems, cycling of matter and energy, biological evolution, natural selection and fossils.

 Social Studies:

Students continue to study of the cultures and religions of Africa. They are introduced to the cultures of Asia, along with learning about the development of Southern Asia. They also study Eastern Asian geography, culture, conflict, governance, and economic influence on the world.