Parent/Family Information

School Location and Hours:

133 Ward St.
Macon, GA 31204
478-743-0054 FAX

Office hours: 7:45 am - 4:00 p.m.

School day: 7:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m

Below are frequently used links and downloadable documents leading up to and throughout the school year:

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

Snack Menu

You can now complete the Lunch application online. Please follow the link for your application. You will need your child's Student ID number, which is found on your RENWEB family portal.


Helpful Links for Understanding Our Learning Platforms:

Google Classroom Parents Guide Packet - English

Google Classroom Parents Help Video - Spanish

Do you need some additional help? Use this search engine to find our community partners that provide affordable and free services:

Find Help

Read our Covid-19 protocols here

Feeling confused about the COVID vaccine? Listen here to Dr. Catherine O’Neal explain all about it.

Vaccination Information
